Raven Lunatic...we're all mad here

A self-entitled Fabricologist running amok (sometimes with scissors) in New England.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Raven Lunatic...we're all mad here

I'm a Blog Monkey!

Now don't ask me what that is, but monkeys rock! Thanks to my buddy Rich (www.simplerich.com) for letting me know about www.blogger.com. I wanted to have somewhere to write where I wouldn't fill up my website, which is www.ravenlunatic.com. Thanks Rich, you are SO NOT a moron ;-)

I'm getting ready to do nanowrimo for the 2nd year. Write a novel in one month. Nov. 1-30th and 50,000 words, if you don't know about it, you should! www.nanowrimo.com will answer all your questions. Please join us, write that novel you've always told yourself you were going to write!

That's all for now... later



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