Raven Lunatic...we're all mad here

A self-entitled Fabricologist running amok (sometimes with scissors) in New England.

Monday, September 11, 2006

What's on and off the needles....

This past Saturday my friend Joanne and I set up a spinning demo at a very small local fair, the Cornwall, CT Agricultural fair. We had fun, the weather was beautiful and we had lots of visitors and inquisitive children. Boys seemed especially interested in spinning. I think it's the mechanics of it all. We had lots of things on display and Joanne had some of her lovely handspun yarns for sale as well as knitted items. I just had my own things to show but not sell.
Here is a pic of how our "non-booth" looked all set up. My wheel is the Louet S-10. Where are the spinners? Well, moi is behind the camera and Joanne is off in search of a hot dog and something to drink. Not much of an action photo!

I just finished the Dove Shawl from Heirloom Knitting and here is a first shot of it. As you might be able to see I haven't even woven in the begining and end bits. The background in the picture is not so flattering, but I will take better pictures later.

Now I'm working on finishing my husbands vest. Here is a shot of it. It's the most lovely handspun Blue-Face Leicester from Spirit Trail Fiberworks which I bought at the MA Sheep & Wool Festival last year. I'm using a vest from Elsebeth Lavold's "Viking Patterns for Knitting" and used a tree pattern from another source.

I'm struggling with designing the pattern for a logo he wants knit in cables on the back of the vest. We're members of the Timber Framer's Guild and their logo is basically an overlapping T and F in a circle. Very basic design, but I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around how to do it. The main problem is I put the vest down and didn't touch it for 6 months or so and forgot how I did the tree. *sigh* I really hate having to relearn something! I hope to have it done by November when we go to Roanoke, VA to the 2006 TFG Eastern Conference.

I also have a baby blanket on the needles for my granddaughter, Leah Rose, (haven't taken a pic of it yet) and yesterday I got an itch for a quick project so I started and finished these gauntlets from the Summer 2006 issue of Knitty.com, the're called "Fetching" and I think they are! They're in the lovely colorway "Orange Creamsicle" in a soft-as-can-be merino hand-dyed by the very talented Roxanne, owner of Zen Yarn Garden. They took me about 8 hours start to finish.

That's all for tonight, must sleep...it's after 1am and the alarm is going off at 6am...gack!
